Steps to Import data from Excel into Oracle Database :
- Save the xls file as a comma separated file with extension .csv
2. Execute the generate_load.sql file which will give you the LOADDATA command.
Save it into a control file with extension .ctl like example.ctl
It will ask for the owner name and table name give the username(which is used to connect to sqlplus) and tablename in CAPS
3. In the example.ctl file change the .txt file to the input .csv file
4. sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=example.ctl log=example.log bad = example.bad
On execution of this command it will insert the rows into the table. For any error just look into the log file and the .bad file.
NOTE: Remove the headings in the Excel file, if available.
userid - The Oracle username and password
log - The name of the file used by SQL*Loader to log results
control - The name of the control file. This file specifies the format of the data to be loaded.
bad - A file that is created when at least one record from the input file is rejected. The rejected data records are placed in this file. A record could be rejected for many reasons, including a non-unique key or a required column being null.
--------------------------------------------- Load.sql ----------------------------
set trimspool on
set serverout on
clear buffer
undef dumpfile
undef dumptable
undef dumpowner
var maxcol number
var linelen number
var dumpfile char(40)
col column_id noprint
set pages 0 feed off termout on echo off verify off
accept dumpowner char prompt 'Owner of table to dump: '
accept dumptable char prompt 'Table to dump: '
select max (column_id)
into :maxcol
from all_tab_columns
where table_name = rtrim (upper ('&dumptable')) and
owner = rtrim (upper ('&dumpowner'));
select sum (data_length) + (:maxcol * 3)
into :linelen
from all_tab_columns
where table_name = rtrim (upper ('&dumptable')) and
owner = rtrim (upper ('&dumpowner'));
-- Build a basic control file
set line 79
spool dtmp.sql
select 'spool '||lower ('&dumptable')||'.par' from dual;
spool off
select 'userid = /'||chr (10)||
'control = '||lower ('&dumptable')||'.ctl'||chr (10)||
'log = '||lower ('&dumptable')||'.log'||chr (10)||
'bad = '||lower ('&dumptable')||'.bad'||chr (10)
from dual;
spool off
spool dtmp.sql
select 'spool '||lower ('&dumptable')||'.ctl' from dual;
spool off
select 'load data'||chr(10)||
'infile '||''''||lower ('&dumptable')||'.txt'||''''||chr (10)||
'into table &&dumptable'||chr (10)||
'fields terminated by '||''''||','||''''||
' optionally enclosed by '||''''||'"'||''''||chr (10)||'('
from dual;
select ' '||column_name||',', column_id
from all_tab_columns
where table_name = upper ('&dumptable') and
owner = upper ('&dumpowner') and
column_id < :maxcol
select ' '||column_name, column_id
from all_tab_columns
where table_name = upper ('&dumptable') and
owner = upper ('&dumpowner') and
column_id = :maxcol
order by 2;
select ')' from dual;
spool off
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