Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Open SSL Certificate Creation

1.Get the Windows distribution of OpenSSL: http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html

Note: ISS does not have any affiliation with the windows OpenSSL project, and does not support it's use or take responsibility for anything that occurs from it's use.

2.Install it.
3.Open a command prompt and cd to OpenSSL\bin -You will need to run these 3

1. openssl req -config openssl.cfg -new -out server-rsa.csr- Press Enter.
2. Enter a passphrase. It is not restricted. Remember this for an upcoming step. Press Enter.
3. Enter your complete location information. Press Enter.
Do NOT enter a challenge password. Leave this blank. Press Enter.
You do not need to enter an optional company name. Press Enter.
4. openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out server-rsa.key - Press Enter.
5. Enter your passphrase from the previous step. Press Enter.
6. openssl x509 -in server-rsa.csr -out server-rsa.crt -req -signkey server-rsa.key -days 3650 – Press Enter.

This will generate a server-rsa.key and server-rsa.crt file in the OpenSSL\bin folder. On the SiteProtector server, stop the SiteProtector WebServer service. Make a backup of the \Application Server\webserver\Apache2\conf\ssl.key\server-rsa.key and \ssl.crt\server-rsa.crt.

Replace those with the ones generated in earlier steps and then start the web server service.

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